
Welcome to Natural Outlook.

We are a small business who love to blog, vlog, and insta post about different content daily, about the products we use or want to use and formulas we have come up with.  We decided to try and formulate our own products we use on a daily basis from shampoos, creams, foot creams, body oils, lip balms etc, all from natural ingredients. 

Very quickly we realised what this entailed, months in the laboratories, safety assessors and product information files. Yuk!!

We have concentrated so far on one element that has been tested on a few willing people(45 so far).  Once we had settled on this formula and people were getting great results we have gone through all the relevant testing and legalities. I can tell you getting a product to market isn’t that simple (and so it shouldn’t be).

This journey started for us in December 2018 and it has taken nearly a year now to finalise one formula that we can be proud of.  This is how Natural Outlook was born.  The ingredients we source are all responsibly gathered and many are organic and vegan friendly and of course they are all cruelty free.  

We are not just about the products that we are creating but about nature, good living, healthy food and generally living a healthy lifestyle, with the odd treat here and there of course.

Our passion lies with our family two children our two dogs and a marine fish tank, all which will feature from time to time on our feeds.

I hope you enjoy looking round the site and following our journey on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube eventually.

We will be developing new products during the years to come, we’ll grow this company organically just like the products we’ll produce.


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