Avocados why we love them and so does your skin.
So it’s no myth to people who know my family we all love avocados, (well not Stanley so much but he tolerates them), we eat them everyday in a meal or a snack. We found a love for them when changing our diet in 2017, these kept us full, taste great and gave our bodies many benefits.
I have the conversation often with people about how they can’t stand them and they have no flavour. I then ask if they know when they are ripe and ready and yes you can get great ones and poor ones..it’s all in the choosing and over the last couple of years my husband and I have got pretty good at choosing. They have to be soft but not squidgy if you want to eat that day, or buy some firmer ones and ripen at home, but be patient the really firm ones can take over a week to ripen and then people think they have perished.

So what do they do for us?
Their potential health benefits include improving digestion, decreasing the risk of depression, and protection against cancer.
Avocados are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals.
Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. They also provide lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.
The full article that this came from is here
It has so many more benefits listed in this article including:
Healthy for the heart, Great for Vision, Osteoporosis prevention, Cancer, Healthy babies, Lower risk of depression, Improved digestion, Protection from chronic disease. This is just one article I have taken info from, but there are so many more articles regarding there benefits.

Why Do I include Avocado Oil in my skincare products?
It sinks into the skin beautifully leaving it feeling moisturised and nourished. As I said earlier it’s nutrient heavy and applying this to our skin, it easily absorbs these nutrients, which also help to form new skin.
People that suffer and live with psoriasis and eczema also can benefit from daily use of avocado oil (patch testing is required) antioxidants and vitamins in avocado oil may help to heal dry, irritated, and flaky skin associated with these conditions.
AND yes it can reduce the signs of aging, accelerates wound healing and prevents and treats acne. I’m not saying this will suit everyone’s skin, but it has so many benefits that are too good to not put in the products.
I have sourced all my products from companies that have soil certifications animal welfare regulations and all the other relevant standards to ensure what I’m formulating is natural and something I can be proud of.
The company I purchase from business to business has a clear statement when purchasing any of their raw materials.
‘Our organic products are certified by The Soil Association, their standards ensure the highest possible standards of animal welfare, environmental and wildlife protection through principles of health, ecology, fairness and care. Solidifying our commitment to ethical standards as well as excellent quality.’